The Declaration of Principles sets out the undertaking made by every signatory to the Convention. It commits signatories to working ethically and without engaging in corrupt practices. It commits signatories to transparency and accountability. It commits signatories to support and implement legislation geared towards these objectives and to participate, along with other members of the business community and representatives of international financial institutions, in forming a coalition against corruption and in empowering integrity, systems and institutions against corruption in conjunction with Integrity and Transparency in Nigeria.
Signatories specifically undertake that they:
- Will publish a policy statement articulating our ethical and moral standards, and our stance against bribery and corruption, and will ensure that such standards are promoted, understood and adopted throughout our organisation
- Will ensure that our policies and procedures are designed to enhance transparency and accountability
- Will undertake only to work within our defined area of competence
- Will regularly monitor our performance against our policies and procedures and will engage in continuous improvement of those procedures
- Will reward acceptable behaviour within the organisation and will take action as necessary where people engage in inappropriate behaviour